
Play the Theremin: Thomas Grillo Theremin Lessons

Thomas Grillo Theremin Lessons

Learn the basic steps from thereminist Thomas Grillo

In this set of videos, thereminist Thomas Grillo explains the operation of the theremin, and how to play simple melodies. He explains all the major pitfalls that theremin players normally get into, introduces the concept of 'ariel fingering', and even moves onto more advanced techniques for playing trills etc.


Lesson One

In this lesson, Thomas Grillo introduces the theremin, and explains the operation of the antennae. He introduces the concept of 'aerial fingering', and how to play a simple scale. He talks about using the left hand to control phrasing and articulation, and introduces trills.


Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Want to find out more about Thomas Grillo? Visit his website at http://www.thomasgrillo.com.

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