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Theremin : Ether Music and Espionage

Lev Sergeyevich Termen (1896-1993) grew up in St. Petersburg, the son of a lawyer and a mother who dabbled in the arts. Naturally inclined toward music and physics, Lev understood electromagnetic fields and applied these principles to design a "space controlled" instrument employing recently developed vacuum tube oscillators and amplifiers.

Dubbing the device with his French ancestral name, Theremin, he toured Europe and America, training several to play it....

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Theremin Times
Theremin Times - First Russian portal about theremin News. Audio. Video. History. Thereminists....

By theremin-times, Jun 6

The Sage Gateshead, UK
Hi We're hoping to present a festival of Percy Grainger's work at The Sage Gateshead in the UK,...

By hannahthesage, Mar 24

January 2011, quartets, sextets, trios, etc.
Rupert Chappelle plays the theremin multi-tracked with the Zoom R-16....

By rupertchappelle, Feb 2

theremin scores
on www.etheremin.com, i've created a new webpage dedicated to unpublished theremin scores. Some...

By coco, Nov 15

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