Simple Theremin
Everyday Practical Electronics Jake Rothman September 1995

This is a transistor theremin published in Everyday Practical
Electronics by Jake Rothman. Check their site to see if a back-issue is available. Another option is to download the full
article in PDF format from Thereminworld. This is a pitch only
design. Clear construction details, good for DIY novices.
Modified E.P.E. 1995 theremin circuit diagram (gif 82k) This is a
transistor theremin originally published in Everyday Practical Electronics by
Jake Rothman, with pitch control only. I found it on This is a modified version of the E.P.E.
1995 theremin plan. I don't know what has been modified. The author says it has a nice tone, perhaps it's what you're
looking for if you don't need a volume control. The diagram is rather large, but i found the text become unreadable when
scaling it down, it's best viewed printed.
Simple Theremin Project designed by Jake Rothman, reproduced from
Everyday Practical Electronics magazine (ISSN 0262 3617), Vol. 24 No.
9, Sept. 1995 issue, with the express permission of Wimborne Publishing
Ltd., Wimborne, Dorset, United Kingdom. (C) Copyright Wimborne
Publishing Ltd. 1995. Copyright in all drawings, photographs and
articles published in Everyday Practical Electronics is fully
protected, and reproduction or imitations in whole or in part are
expressly forbidden.
The Simple Theremin is available by MAIL ORDER ONLY (NO PERSONAL
CALLERS) in kit form and ready-built, from Rosedene Audio, Dept. EPE,
23 Ashley Lane, Hordle, Lymington, Hants. SO41 0GB, United Kingdom.
Phone (+ 44) (0)1425 610849.
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